Every year, Women’s Aid NI supports thousands of women living in our community who have experienced domestic abuse from a diverse range of backgrounds.
Domestic abuse is never acceptable, and please know there is specialised support available through Women’s Aid for all women, children and young people impacted.
Information leaflets in different languages can be found below:
- Albanian
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Chinese
- English
- French
- Hindi
- Irish
- Portuguese
- Polish
- Russian
- Somali
- Spanish
- Tigrigna
Please know this list is not exhaustive, and we are continually adding languages.
If you require a leaflet in a language not listed above, please do not hesitate in contacting us at info@womensaidni.org
A special thank you to the women engaged in our services, to the staff of Allstate NI and to Ionad Uíbh Eachach for their help in producing these leaflets.